I iz going to where?

Feb 23, 2008 12:28

So having mentioned that I'm not going to Megacon, I thought it might possibly be useful to someone if I mentioned what conventions I actually am going to be guesting at this year. Which means I needed to do some research as I've got an appalling tendency to be the clichéd absent minded writer type concerning dates. (note to people running conventions I'm attending - for the love of God, Monseigneur, nag me about things; I'll thank you for it)
Keycon 25/CANvention 28
Winnipeg, Manitoba
May 16th to 19th (over the Victoria Day long weekend)
website link

I've seen a preliminary program list from these guys and they have some interesting and original topics lined up. Also, we've got a double header as a Keycon 25 includes CANvention - the nomadic Canadian national convention where the Aurora Awards are handed out.  (although not to me ::is sulking::)  (According to the website, I'm the CANvention Guest. Cool. I wonder if I knew that...)

Toronto, Ontario
July 11, 12, 13
website link

This is the convention previously known as Toronto Trek and while it remains primarily a fan run media convention, it's expanded it's literary tracks to the point where they easily match those of more general interest cons. I had a great time last year and am thrilled to have been asked back. Best dealers room I've seen in ages. Srsly. IF we can get a pet sitter and IF the dog is in the kind of condition he can be left for the weekend, the beloved will be there too. I'll keep you posted on that. I'm not up on the website yet but hey, it looks like Jim Butcher's going to be there... we can talk about sekrit tv show stuff.  (memo to self: send the damned contract back!)

Denvention 3/ 66th World SF Convention 
Denver, Colorado
August 6th to 10 th

I have a membership and I have a room so I'm definitely going - I'll worry about actually getting there a little closer to the day. (getting from where I live to anywhere is often... interesting) I've also filled in their program participant thing but haven't heard back so I have no idea if I'm going to be involved in any programing or just sitting in the bar with friends making inappropriate comments about attractive young men. Either way, I've always wanted to see Denver so it's a win.   I'll post updates on my plans if I hear from the convention.

Context 21
Columbus, Ohio
Sept 26th - 28th 
website link

This is a smallish general interest SF con that seems to cover all the bases but maintains emphasis on the written word. I've heard good things about it from previous guests and am looking forward to the weekend.  Also, my birthday is on the 26th so I'm hoping for cake...

Coralville, IA
October 31st to November 2nd

This is a medium sized convention that I have little information on yet - except that I caught major hell from the beloved about blanking on the date (see earlier point about me and dates) and agreeing to a business trip over Halloween. So if you've ever thought of attending but haven't gotten around to it yet, this would be a good year... a high attendance would kind of balance out the massive amounts of groveling I'll be doing for the next eight months. I can't find a website but that could just be me.   Given that... other guests include artist Alan M. Clark and fan Richard Clemesen with Rusty Hevelin as toastmaster.

ETA:  Thanks to

brigidsblest for the ICON link.

I'm also talking about guesting at Con-Version in Calgary in '09 for those of you who like to organize your life that far in advance.


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