01. I'm back! Finally! [Insert lie promise that this will never happen again.] I miss fandom and you guys, but mostly you guys. Catch me up on yo lives! (For anyone who doesn't remember who the fuck this is, I made a handy dandy
life story post for you.)
02. Now that I'm back, I need layout overrides. All my old standbys are long gone. Any suggestions?
03. Let's talk about last night's episode of How I Met Your Mother, shall we?
OMFG. OMFG. OMFG!! I'm so glad I was unspoiled for that. I was watching it while eating breakfast/getting ready for work and almost missed it, that's how off guard it caught me.
I've been so meh about the show this season that I unofficially gave up on caring. But this!! I miss scenes like this between Barney and Robin. When we have to wait this long for cute scenes like the part in the rain, I can kind of forget why I love Barney. Sure, he's always funny and charming--this is NPH we're talking about--but he's only genuine and real when he's alone with Robin. His apology was darling. AND THE KISS WAS SPECTACULAR. The funny faces. Good God. So in character/perfect.
I need a full week of delusional they-went-back-to-his-place-and-had-hot-monkey-sex thoughts before the new episode surely ruins everything.
Nothing else about the episode matters. Kthx.
04. I may or may not be obsessed with John Mayer/Taylor Swift. Up until two days ago, I despised him and had a love/hate relationship with her. I'm not really sure what changed between then and now, other then I accidentally stumbled across and read
I Was a Dreamer Before You. Fifteen fics later, I'm shipping it hardcore and scrounging for any and all fic I can find. I have officially become an RPF kind of a fangirl. Don't judge me. (/give me recs if you have them)
05. On a related note, I'm obsessed with their duet. (Even if it isn't a real duet and you can barely hear her.) It's still pretty great. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should
listen or
download. (On a side note, I don't understand the video for this song. Is he the groom? If so, did he call off the wedding or did the bride? Someone needs to explain these things to me.)