and it's not hard to tell that i learned my lesson well

Oct 20, 2010 01:37

01. Work has been particularly great this week. My department is spread across two locations on opposite ends of campus but we're moving to a new joint office in a better location this week. Which means everyone is busy setting things up in the new space. As an assistant whose main job is event planning, promotion, and design, I don't really play a part in that. So I've been sitting in my cubicle, making icons, and occasionally doing homework. 'Tis awesome.

02. I really miss crossover fic. It's been way too long since I've read some and it's making me itch to restart choco_cherries. I love that community so much but I always feel bad going back after an unannounced hiatus and being like NEW CHALLENGE ZOMG GUYS! Maybe I'll host a crossover comment ficathon? Would anyone else be down for that? I think it would be fun but I dunno...

03. Castle
The episode was pretty standard overall until the very end. WHEN I FLIPPED MY SHIT. That last scene! So great! She would break him oouuuuuut. I'd say the fan!girl inside of me was jumping up and down, but that would be a lie. I was physically jumping around my kitchen like a crazy person.

I was very happy to see Michael Cassidy pop out of nowhere. His character seemed pretty douchey at first, but was just so damn smiley and adorable in his last scene that I kind of realized how much I miss watching Cassidy on my screen every week. I want Privileged back, damn it.

Also, we can talk about how silly it was for them to pick Taylor Swift as their go-to "song" singer? I mean, I know they need a mainstream/recognizable artist, but at least go with a band. Preferably one that has a unisex following. The plausibility of a teenage boy wanting to go to a T.Swift concert is negative zilch.

04. Chuck
I am already in love with Morgan/Alex. They are adorable. I'm glad Morgan has someone again. I've always loved Morgan/Casey interaction so this father-in-law bit has me thrilled. I hope we get more of that dynamic and him as a quasi spy.

My only complaint is that there hasn't been enough done with Alex and Casey. We've gotten like two snippets all season and I'd really like to see them bond or interact more than just her dropping off movies/him ignoring her phone call. They had the perfect opportunity to give us a B plot when Casey was laid up in the wheelchair but instead we got thirty seconds of her dropping off soup and movies. Sure, that scene was adorable, but more so for the Morgan/Alex component.

05. Mike and Molly
This show has pretty much bored me from the start but I've stuck with it because Melissa McCarthy is adorable and I will never tire of correcting their Chicago inaccuracies. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that there is nothing else going on. It's all Mike/Molly romance 24/7.

This week was a little improvement, what with the double date, but only barely. It was totally predictable but, I guess that's something? I still think I may be done.

I will leave you with the best line of the night: "You best be putting on some clean drawers and praying she ain't picky!"

actor: michael cassidy, fan fiction: general, tv show: castle, tv show: mike and molly, tv show: chuck, ship: alex/morgan, work: recycling, ship: beckett/castle, community: choco_cherries

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