Jun 13, 2007 21:47
i feel so sick D: damn female-type tendencies!
its probably also got to do with being in front of some sort of electronic for the past......5 days? i've been playing zelda: Twilight Princess, for the wii ever since i got it on friday. i already have around 28 hours on the game |D; and thats after not really playing on sunday (i only played for like two hours...maybe)
yeaaah. its a good game though. more than good.....awesome D: i, kind of sad, though, because im kind of almost done with the whole plot and i want it to keep going xD oh well.
sick sick sick. i hate being sick. -___- its not just cramps though, i also feel a bit nauscous, however you spell that. dkjsjdhksjdhfkjsdfh
i should go finish those comissions, too :/ man i have so much work to do.