sigh. i just paid bills and now im poor again! and i only just got paid! Oh well i guess its ok because i have bought quite a few clothes as of late!
tomorrow is the day i do the make-up for the Quinceanera so woot woot on that. Thats like $100 bucks! and just so you wonderful people out there know...THE FREAKING HUSTLERS BACK. DIZZAM. So im doing make up on this girl today, who tells me shes getting married..blah blah..asks about prices for makeovers on that day. I tell her well its like a 2 item purchase, so like 30+ bucks. but like wait just a min im like come here..cause others cannot hear. And i say to her "ill do it for $20 bucks a girl. Ill go to your house. I bring make up." So she says "you would? i was going to ask. i was scared. that would be helpfull." YEAHHHH ME. go laura oh yah oh yah.
so i think that im going to buy all the shades of make up and make cards and start a little side bizznazz. why not right? im so much more confident in it now then when i started. hell maybe ill even go to LA and become a movie star makeup artist.
anyways. i have a long ol day tomorrow. Oh and i meet the kids im going to adopt as my little sisters. Were going shopping! i lllloooooveee shopping. it makes me smile. CAUSE IM IN MY SKINNY JEANS. OHHHH YAH LETS REEEEJOYCE. SIZZZE 16. ok maybe like 16.5. almost tho!
and for some eye candy...c'est moi.
pictures on AUG 07 08...
still in a damn box.
and then tonight...
i reflect light. yes!
p.s. i need some sex. :::insert surprised face here.:::