» Contact & Permissions

Jan 01, 2020 06:00

.Contact Information.
[E-Mail] nerd.chaos [at] gmail [dot] com
[AIM] almond cookie tea (preferred)
[MSN] glitterplanet [at] live [dot] com
[Plurk] @hairporn


[Backtagging] Yes please! I consider myself a slow and steady tagger.
[Threadhopping] Mostly fine! If it would disrupt the original conversation, please contact me first... but I'll probably say yes.
[Hacking] Generally no -- if something is hackable, I'll make a note of it.
[Plotting] Always open to it!
[Offensive subjects] No torture. No medical-related horror. Nothing I refuse to do really comes up in SH, to be honest.


[Things to know]

[What's okay to mention around him/her] This is where you list anything you want to keep your character in the dark about, or anything you'd prefer not to be mentioned to them.
[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] If your character looks particularly unusual and/or is a veela, cursed, or anything of the sort, this is where you mention it.
[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] This is where you specify your policy on the hackability of private posts/strikes and having your character's mind read in the event that someone mastered the ability.
[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?] This is where you specify whether or not you want more villainous characters doing their MO with your character or bully-type characters teasing your character.
[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] This is where you state your stance on fighting.
[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?] This can range from a pat on the shoulder to sexual intimacy.
[Anything else?] Is there anything that hasn't been mentioned that you want to make a note of?

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