one mission

Jan 01, 2012 14:09

HAPPY NEW YEAR INTERNET! I hope you've had an excellent week, and that if you got presents they were everything you wanted :D.

I got ALL THE BOOKS for Christmas, and so far the two I've read are both awesome, with was nice cause I was expecting the YA-ish one to be a lot more sanitized for the childrenz than it actually was. \o/ zombie apocalypses!

I spent the fist half-hour of the New Year comforting the dog I'm petsitting, who tried to burrow under my bed/into the wall when he heard the fireworks. This means he now apparently thinks of me as his portable safe space and lies down between my legs the moment I sit/crouch down to him. Also he is adorable, and it's nice to have a dog round the house again.

This year is already shaping up to be awesome, as in addition to my stack of books there is also a top!Cas meme and this round of deancaskink is genderbending. Alas, I think it'd be very selfish of me to take all the prompts (BUT GIRLS! JHDSJGDGASFGDSA *______*), so excuse me while I go and write girl!Jensen/girl!Misha filming the alley fight and then having sex. girl!Misha *_______________*

spn, fic ideas, omg zombies, books, *___* girls

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