the beating of our hearts

Aug 21, 2011 18:01

Blegh internets, it's so damn muggy today; at least it's not also blazing hot any more.

- Patrick says he and Pete really started getting into hip-hop and that was part of the reason FOB took a break - Joe, being a diehard guitar dude, was not enthused. I can see what he means, but I wouldn't say that later FOB sounded particularly hip-hopish, or much like Patrick's current stuff, except I guess maybe that random acapella bit at the end of "w.a.m.s".

However, how much do I love that in the immediate aftermath of the split Pete was still emailing him lyrics and Patrick was still sending him music back? SO MUCH. And that Patrick fully expects it to start up again once Pete's BC stuff settles down <33333

- Brendon And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat !!! &bandom;

- I WAS going to post a video of Rihanna doing "Redemption Song" in Norway, in honour of the recent attacks, but as usual her lawyers are extremely overzealous in earning their money's worth and it's been taken down. Trust me when I say it was pretty awesome.

- if Michael Bay had pitched Glee, :DDD.

- Jason Momoa talking about the storyline he didn't have time/wasn't allowed to do with Ronon before SGA was cancelled, and how he wanted to go darkside and be fighting against the Lanteans.

- info on a few upcoming new Pixar films - Brave still sounds awesome, I'm not quite sure about Monster University despite liking Monsters Inc, but mostly they're making a film about DINOSAURS IF THEY'D NEVER BEEN WIPED OUT BY THE METEOR SKDHJASFJ;GFLSDA !!!!

- okay, technically this isn't really funny, but seriously: a Texas man has been arrested for breaking into a woman's home and biting her, claiming he was a 500 year old vampire who needed to feed. I'm sorry, I just- I can't help thinking But what if he is tho?

- how to fold a fitted sheet, which I am trying at the next opportunity because every time I fold mine we have a fight that it wins. BUT NOT THIS TIME.

- fic rec! The Brain Thief, which is basically Discworld does Frankenstein, except it's set in the future with the next generation of Watchmen etc and when Ankh-Morpork has progressed even further down the road of technology and has things like a water treatment works that's got the river liquid again, and and and there's all this other stuff I don't want to spoil, all these nods to other characters, and basically <33.

Aaaand the fandoms meme, stolen from rubytuesday5681 because I saw it there first:

The one who seduced you, screwed you over, broke your heart in a million pieces, and laughed about it.
Torchwood, I guess. I thought it would always be a silly, slightly faily British show about queer people dealing with aliens...ahaha.

The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp:
Bandom. I'm not so much about the fic any more, but my To Read folder is pretty epic, and occasionally I dip my toe back in. Mostly, I forget how much the MyChem boys swear :D

The mysterious dark one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 AM at weird coffee houses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized s/he really was fucking crazy:
IDK, Green Day maybe? There was quite the trend to cause poor Billie Joe a lot of misery, and also Tre kind of enabled the whackiest kinks. (True story: I once mentally scarred the the IT engineer at school because he had to check all the websites the school system flagged up as 'inappropriate content'. He came up to me years later and just said, "Oh, you. All I'm going to say is: drumsticks.") Also, I once read and fucking enjoyed a kidnapping/torture/non-con fic in that fandom, which is otherwise something I NEVER EVER read, so...there's that.

The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor and whom you'd still really like to get with again, although you're relieved s/he doesn't actually live in town:
Hmm, Simple Plan maybe? I mean, from what I recall there was some good fic there, but it'd have to be an interesting summary to get me reading again.

The steady:
Bandom, always. Even if I don't read the new stuff, I still have a bunch of the older stuff saved, and ♥____♥ forever. Ugh, the sheer number of AUs we tossed those boys into, and yet they always came out as themselves. <333

The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with:
Glee. I'm not so fussed about reading fic about Blaine now that he and Kurt are together on the show, but I'll take ALL of the good Kurt/Puck, please and thank you.
Also, Merlin. Again, we only started watching it at the end of last season, and I subsequently devoured several of astolat's fics with great delight, but I'll have to wait until the series restarts this autumn to see if the spark's still there, as it were.

The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with, but ultimately you're just good buddies:
Honestly, now? Adam. I don't know how that will change once the new album comes out and he gears up to go out on tour again, but fond though I still am of him (and Tommy), I don't want to read fic any more. Seems that flame burned hot but short.

The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool person except it's never really gone anywhere:
Inception, I think. Again, after I've seen the movie I get a craving, but it's gone by the next day.
Also Harry Potter, on the Remus/Sirius side of things, but I'm only rarely in that kind of mood and I haven't got the faintest clue where to begin except one old rec list.

The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at them and thinking, "How the hell did they land all these cool people?"
BBC Sherlock (on tumblr anyway). To be fair though I haven't really watched it, and the actors do NOTHING for me so I have no desire to see their characters together.

The one who gave you the best damned summer of your life and against whom you measure all other potential partners:
STILL BANDOM. The quality of the writing; the enthusiasm of the fandom; the many and varied ideas everyone took from this ever-expanding group of tiny mildly-insane boys... I've never found that again, although both SGA and SPN come close.

The one you recently met at a party and would like to get to know better:
Hawaii Five-0. So far it's only really been after I've watched an ep, but we shall see once the new season starts. SO. MANY. SGA PARALLELS. My SGA-loving heart rejoices!

The old flame that you wouldn't totally object to hooking up with again for a one night romp if only they'd clean up a bit:
Adam I guess, if the story summary really intrigued me. I can't really explain why I fell out of love - it certainly wasn't either of the boys - so IDK what would would make me go back, but I would, for the right thing. Whatever that is.

Your hot new flame:
*cough*Supernatural*cough* :D

The one who stole your significant other:
...none, most of my flist are still in bandom/Adam fandom and it's awesome :D

rihanna, ~adam lambert~, movies, h50, sga, torchwood, spn, meme meme meeeeeme, simple plan, recs, green day, omg rl wtf, glee, fob etc

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