May 10, 2012 03:53
Is love not the single greatest motivating force in the world?
A mother's love for her child...
A husband's love for his wife...
God's love for us...
Even the uglier sides/consequences of love:
Jealousy - just think crimes of passion;
Selfishness & greed - love for self and/or material things
...that's all I can think of for now. :P
But seriously, think about it.
All these are things that motivate people -- in the fullest sense of the word.
And is it not sad that
today's world, today's society
has made us feel sceptical towards love,
made us feel as though it doesn't exist any more in its truest, most positive and most altruistic form?
It really saddens me when I hear my friends say that marriage is no guarantee for love.
No, of course the institution of marriage is not what makes us love, but
it is (or at least should be) a tangible expression of the ultimate love and commitment one human being can make to another.
And if you think that marriage no longer represents that,
then what does that leave you with?
-- An incessant uncertainty towards love.
That is SUCH a sad, sad consequence of our postmodern society.
I know, I cringe and hesitate at the use of that p-word, but this is honestly one of the hallmarks of this era:
C'mon, relativism is all about the absence of absolutes, which basically just means the lack of any concrete certainty.
And so,
if people nowadays are left with no sense of security at all with regards to mankind's greatest motivating force,
then we are merely empty vessels that roam the earth as sepulchres...