Feb 04, 2009 14:33
So Anya is a vengeance demon who hates bunny. But, in a perfectly Whedonesque dramatic reversal, there is an episode detailing parts of her backstory that show her as a human who LOVES bunnies.
So whence, the eternal question goes, comes the hatred for our white furred rodent friends?
Well, if I may be so bold to say
I have a theory.
So Anya gets cheated on, and since hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Anya figured she's basically found an untapped market. And so she becomes to spurned wives what the Furies are to the murderers of their own kin.
But like all beings of incredible power, there is one small achilles' heel, a form of Kryptonite that will render her powerless.
And because she became a demon, there will inevitably be those who research demons, who make deals with demons, who gossip about demons as they enter into the demonic political spectrum.
And most likely, some demon somewhere wanted a hand-up on Anya, and so accidentally blurted out that, if you want to control her, just use bunnies.
And so this person probably laid a trap. And the bunnies that Anya loved became her downfall. She must have endured endless years of torment and servitude, all because someone laid a bunny trap. And when she got out, she vowed never to trust bunnies again.
They have, after all, those hoppy feet and twitchy little noses.