Mar 07, 2009 21:24
I have had a number of random thoughts rattling around in my head about reality TV for some time and after all the recent “furor” that erupted over ABC’s Bachelor “betrayal” and change of mind, I have finally decided to put my random thoughts to blog.
Bite 1: First, I don’t watch nor have I ever watched more than a few passing minutes of any of the multiple seasons of The Bachelor/Bachelorette that have been inflicted on us. The show is particularly demeaning and insulting to women. But what I find ridiculous recently are the reactions that have been displayed on TV talk shows and even news media about the shocking behavior of this latest Bachelor. “He was such a nice guy but it turns out he’s a real tool, a jerk.” News flash everyone - ANY man who agrees to be ‘The Bachelor’ is a tool, a jerk before the show even starts and I will point out why. A man who agrees to be the Bachelor is ready, willing and able to develop multiple romantic relationships (albeit mostly superficial) with many women simultaneously. He knows he is going to be able to make out with a bevy of attractive women, sometimes within hours of each other (not to mention doing more than just kissing if you can get around the cameras as some have) That is not the behavior of an honorable, nice guy who is looking for true love. The first couple of seasons of this ludicrous show should have been enough to prove to anyone what I’m saying - not a single one of the Bachelors who have proposed to one of their harem girls managed to actually get to the altar, at least with the woman they picked on the show.
Second, this show is ridiculous for another reason - attractive men and women in their 20s and 30s do not need TV to help them find someone to date. At that age, there are plenty of opportunities to meet and date lots of people of the opposite sex. If TV really wants to help someone find a date and potential spouse (with the actual possibility of the match really lasting), then it should be a show featuring a Bachelorette over 40. Women in their 40s and 50s are the ones who actually do need help finding men to date - that would be real Reality TV but of course that will never happen. Since we aren’t going to see such a show in our lifetime and will instead continue to get more of the same Bachelor crap, please stop watching such crap so they will take it off the air.
Bite 2: The Girls Next Door - what a train wreck that sets back the image of women to the 60s (and that’s still a few decades younger than Hef is now!) I had hoped that since we all knew already that one “girlfriend” was engaged to a pro ball player and another had dumped Hef for - gag - Criss Angel, that this season would be its last. Sadly, apparently not. The show will be back, judging from the blurb tagged on the end of this season’s finale, and it will most likely feature the personality-challenged, braincell-lacking twin bimbos who have now moved into the mansion. At least, I thought we had finally seen the last of the worst "girlfriend", Kendra - but NOOOO! At the end of the season, we also learned that Kendra is getting her own spin-off show. Why, God, Why!!! The bimbo with the horse laugh and enough silicone to raise the Titanic gets her own show in her own mini-mansion. Americans with real skills are out of work all over this country but this talentless, clueless mannequin with no discernable skills can afford to live in luxury in LA having never actually held a real job in her life. HINT for Job seekers - just invest in peroxide and pad your chest, not your resume.
Bite 3: I actually do watch Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International on Scifi Channel. I often find myself wondering why, as I sit there thinking half the stuff they do on the show is ridiculous. I guess I’m a skeptic about paranormal stuff, but it has always fascinated me, perhaps because I keep hoping to see some proof. And every once in a while I see something on that show which does make me think such things can happen. But I have a big question - when the ghost hunters are in Brazil or Germany, why do they expect ghosts to answer their questions when they are talking to them in English? “Is there anyone here who wants to speak with us?” “Are you the one they say died here?” and so on… And that is just the first part of my wondering; the second is that they supposedly record EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon) that vaguely seem to be someone speaking English, yet again they are in Spain or Latvia. They claim that spirits are part of the universal consciousness and therefore understand all and communicate in whatever language they hear - sounds like a desperate attempt to explain a part of ghost investigations that is the weakest and most questionable ‘evidence’ they find. Assuming the paranormal is real, I still think a ghost from 19th century Italy is not going to talk to me in English.
Bite 4: I don’t watch American Idol. Simon Cowell is an egocentric ass who doesn’t know shit about real singing voices, Paula is on medication, Randy worthless, so why in the world would I want to watch them attempt to tell me who has actual talent. I can’t assess the newest judge because I won’t watch the show. Please can we finally let this show die.
Bite 5: Donald Trump is a bigger ass than Simon Cowell (if that’s possible) and now one of his companies is in bankruptcy (not the first time this has happened). So why is anyone still giving him a TV show. You don’t learn anything about actual good business practices from the way he treats people so please stop watching him be a jerk to everyone.
Bite 6: The Octomom - would all the news media STOP giving her airtime and news coverage! She should not be rewarded for being such a bad mother and so incredibly irresponsible (and let’s face it, mentally ill) Please ignore her and stop talking about her. The only upcoming news I want to hear about her is that Child Protective Services has stepped in to find those 14 children safe homes and mentally stable parents who can actually take care of them properly.
Bite 7: All those Supermodel, fashion and Chef shows - what is the point and why do more of these shows keep turning up on every cable channel, even on BBC (just because there are British accents doesn't mean the show or what the people are doing on it make it classy and interesting) Being cheap to produce is not a good reason to put this on the air and call it reality TV.
Just my random thoughts on Reality TV. I’m glad I got that off my chest.