Dec 04, 2004 15:46
So yeah...after going out last night, I was missing Erik so yeah I called his phone.
And what do U know...he answered...and said hello...long enough for me to hear that he was out at a Bar.
Really loud music n stuff.
Isn't that just the nicest thing ever?
So much for hibernation.
What a fucking prick.
But anyway...I went out last night...and it was actually fun.
I had been crying and depressed all up, took a shower, got dressed, did my hair and make up...and I looked freakin awesome.
I got hit on by a 19 yr old and an 18 yr old.
God Bless those Boys. LOL
Went Bowling with some friends...bought some shots.
But whatever.
It hurts to think about Erik and what he probably did last night...or what he didn't do...aka Think About Me.
Fuckin SOB Prick Face.
I miss him...but wtf dude.
Hurt is being replaced by anger and ya know what...I'm not an ugly girl.
I'm not stupid and I can make friends easy.
Of course in a few days...or ya know hours I could be typing in here that I'm depressed again.
But whatever.
He's a prick...for everything I went through with he made me feel less and how he never probably did care about me.
Flash yer money's all u have goin for ya cause u AINT cute.
Whores love yeah it'll prolly be easy for you to get a new GF...specially in a town fulla bar whores.
OLD seem to like those you fuckin big nosed fuckin prick.
That's all for now.