
Aug 02, 2004 21:22

___x___Your Life___x___
[x] they call me: Andrea/Andie
[x] sex: Female
[x] my first breath of air: Sunday 4:55 Am 3*16*1986
[x] best friends: Nick And Lame Yeah I Know But My Mom I Can Tell Her Anything!!

[x] most memorable memory: After My 8th Grade Graduation Kissing And Hugging My Grandma.RIP
[x] worst?:Getting Drunk Off My Ass At The River For My First Time...
[x] first best friend ever!?: Kindergarden*Whitney Burch*

[x] love is: A Strong Word And Means So Much, You Cant Freely Give Them Out..
[x] first love: Tyler Second Grade..Wow LOL
[x] love or lust?: Love
[x] best love song: Somebody, Reba Baby!!!
[x] when love hurts, you: Cry And Look At The Stars And Moon
[x] true or false: True
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: Yes Defently..

___x___Opposite Sex___x___
[x] turn ons: Kisses!!
[x] do your parents' opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: Yeah A lot Mostly Of My Moms
[x] what kinda hair style?: Doesnt Matter To Me ...Its His Style
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you? Love Me And Just Be There
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: Every Where...MEN ARE EVERYWHERE!!!
[x] are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers?: No Not At All Hahahaha Oh Well Maybe If I Was Stoned....

___x___Picky Picky___x___
[x] dog or cat: CATS
[x] short or long hair: SHORTS
[x] sunshine or rain: RAIN
[x] moon or sun: MOON
[x] hugs or kisses: KISSES
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: BEST FRIEND
[x] summer or winter: WINTER!!
[x] written letters or e-mails: LETTERS
[x] playstation or nintendo: NINTENDO BABY!!!
[x] car or motorcycle: CAR
[x] house party or club: PARTY
[x] sing or dance: BOTH CANT CHOOSE
[x] freak or slow dance: SLOW DANCE

[x] how are you today? HAH IM GOOD..
[x] what pants are you wearing right now? IM NOT IM WEARING MY HOOCHIE SHORTS
[x] What shirt are you wearing right now? BLACK TANK TOP
[x] what does your hair look like at the moment? PULLED BACK WITH BLACK RIBBON
[x] what song are u listening to right now? NONE WATCHING REAL WORLD ROAD RULES
[x] how is the weather right now? CLOUDY AND COLD
[x] last person you talked to on the phone? DARREN
[x] last dream you can remember? HAH I DUNNO
[x] who are you talking to right now? DANIEL
[x] what time is it? 10:19

___x___More About YOU!___x___
[x] if u were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink Baby
[x] have you ever almost died? Well Yeah
[x] what's the next CD you are going to buy? Hanson! Hahaha Just Too Bring Bcak Memoires
[x] how many kids do you want to have? 4 Boy First So He Can Keep The Bullys Away From His Lil Sisters
[x] shampoo? Sauve Green Apple
[x] what are you most scared of? Dark
[x] how many TV's do you have in your house? 5
[x] do you have your own TV? Yep Pink Princess
[x] have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone? Hah Too Many To Count
[x] who do you dream about? Abouth
[x] who do you tell your dreams to? None Its Bad Luck
[x] who's the loudest friend you have? Geoff
[x] who's the quietest friend? Kevin
[x] Is cheerleading a sport? Well Yeah
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