email from reggie in prague

Jun 29, 2005 22:21

from reggie:
we've been here maybe two hours now. we're staying in a small house way up
on a hill that is partitioned into four or five private apartments. we will
be doing alot of walking. luckily this internet cafe is right down the
street, along with a bank, a pub, the school and metro and tram stops. we
are roughly ten minutes from the heart of the city (by metro/tram). the
arear we are in reminds me a little of highland, except european. it's quite
beautiful here.

i have to pay by the minute for internet here, so i'm not sure how much i'll
use it (and the fact i will be very busy getting to know the city and doing
school). i will not meet the people from tefl until sunday when we have
orientation, so i'm kinda in the dark for now. they gave me a welcome packet
with information on how to get around in the city and where i need to go for
anything i should need before sunday. from what the student who greeted us
told me and the fact that one person has already started talking to us
assuming we knew czech, natalie and i don't look like tourists or

the plane trips were excruciating. i have no desire to fly again for a very
long time. i'm glad it is over with and i am here. once i get things figured
out better i will e-mail again.
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