how come my life cant be a movie? or perfect? or both?

Jul 13, 2004 21:17

 ive been thinking and i want u to tell me something

have you ever wondered:

why you cant be perfect or    why that one person can enter your life and then leave and have no idea who much of an impact on your life they had? or how come age is such a huge deal? and why cant life just be a little easier sometimes? and if people want attention why cant they just talk to someone? why do they have to be all annoying and in  your face about it? and you know those people that you want to be friends with but they subconsiously push you away........are you like that to someone? or am i the only one that thinks like that?

so i was talking to my mom about some of my old schools and i still remember this girl from 2nd grade i remember her name and her house and her family and her face and everything and do u know why? it wasnt cuz she wqas my best friend or anything it was because we hated eachother and it was the worst rivarly ever and i wonder if she remembers me at all or if anyone along my past has hated me and still like remembers me........and im sorry and ill write about my week tomm but the storm is getting bad and i wanna go watch it love you andrea

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