hmmm....why not

Dec 03, 2005 07:24

I figure i haven't written in a long time so i might as well use up an entry with this.

10 years ago I was: I was 9, in Mrs. Gregory's class walking the "mile" outside during lunch hour and making up fake stories about the scary things that happened in the woods. Making new friends, from moving out from intown schools.

5 years ago I was: 14, in the hospital with my broken ankle and realized how much my friends really loved me. I love and miss all you guys!

1 year ago I was: a freshman at CMU, learning the tricks of the college life. Hanging out with Kev, Billy and Kim were my favorite times! THen getting new roomies at semester!! GOSH I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! We had so many good times, especially late at night!!!

Yesterday I: spent the whole day doing nothing!! alright i got a few things accomplished....hmk....mtgs...but taht's about it, NO CLASSES!!

5 snacks I enjoy:
*BBQ chps
*granola bars
*poptarts (without frosting!)

5 songs I (*impressively) know all the words to:
*Comfortable - john mayer
*Water Runs Dry - boys to men
*we belong together - mariah carey
*Baby got back - sir mix a lot
*The Boy is Mine - Brandy

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:
*buy my family anything they could ever want
*travel the world for fun
*travel the world preaching God's Word
*give it to charity
*Start a band....and i would sing lead =0)

5 favorite TV shows:
*Gilmore Girls
*Boy Meets World
*Who's line is it anyway
*Made on Mtv

5 bad habits:
*giving in to peer pressure
*not keeping in touch with old friends
*not saving my $
*staying up way too late

5 biggest joys:
*jesus' love
*my roomies!
*my old roomies!
*my family

Two Names You Go By

Two Parts of Your Heritage

Two Things That Scare You(hmmm, this could be potentially incriminating information)
*not finding "the one"
*loosing my closest friends

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
*sandals...if i could wear them throughout the winter

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
*name tag

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment)
*Jessica Simpson!! I fricken love her!
*Keith Urban

Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
*Someone who can entertain themselve....AKA NOT clingy!
*who fits into my family and will get along with them

Two Truths
*I get to see my mom and dad tomorrow
*I get to go shopping with Denica tomorrow!

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
*tennis with Kevin!
*hanging out in 112

Two Things You Want Really Badly
*a car that i dont have to worry about in the winter
*a family of my own someday!

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
*Germany to visit Marina's family...someday....someday
*a mission trip with His House over spring break

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
*let everyone who i love know it.
*have sex

Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Guy/Girl
*i LOVE getting dressed up and going out.
*i really do like pink

Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
*i'm very self-concious
*i'm confortable with being alone....although i hate to admit that

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
*how i have such a strong dislike for people who try to cover up their mistakes by making someone else look like a complete horrible person
*how i to sing while i drive

Two Stores You Shop At

Two people I would like to see take this quiz
*i could care less

Two people I haven't talked to in a while
*my Susan B Anthony...oh how i love yoU!
*Lauren Freaking LaCrosse!!....FREAKIN MONKEYS!
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