Apr 27, 2005 18:26

seriously, this is the first time EVER that ive been sick and all i can do is think!!! how in the hell?! grrrrr. usually when im peacful...and in pain, but still. NO, i cant do anythign but think! i talked to tony today...and he was tlaking about moving to colorado..and i said 'ill go too!' joking...but then we started thinking about it. it would help things....i wouldnt be til after summer, so i could fix things by then and change myself. and then i could start all over. it would help all of us move on....but tony wont know til like a month from i cant just drop plans w/ britanny and jewls that close to august. i was seriously considering it though. it would help sure it would. it could help me and justin move on as well. me being so far would help. i dont know though...i just wish i could stop thinking...b/c crying hurts like a bitch when you are sick...damn it...

ps...i still need replies about where to get this tattoo....sholder, ankle, or elsewhere?? lemme know:
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