heartbeats racing the interstate

Feb 04, 2010 20:38

starring: jack barakat
rating: pg-13. i love the word fuck.
pov: first person but sometimes i go to thrid person. hope it doesn't get confusing.
author: me! andicantspell
summary: olivia is just the sister of alex gaskarth who is forced to merch for his band. 
disclaimer: i own jack. i do. my bad. actually. i don't. i own nobody except olivia and paige and a few other minor made-up characters.
author's note: this was on mibba but i'm in the process of editing it. so if you wanna read the entire thing. let me know and i'll give it to you. or you can just wait until i edit them all and post them on here. xD either way. idc.

"Call me a name,"

"Mother fucker!"

"Kill me with words,"

"You're penis is small!"

"Forget about me. It's what I deserve,"

"You deserve far worse!"

"I was your chance to get out this town,"

"You forced me to leave!"

"But I took the car and left you there,"

"You shoved me in the god damn car!" I screamed as loud as my vocal cords would possibly allow me too. In hopes he would hear though I doubt he did not with all the speakers that surrounded the stage that where all a little bit taller then me and a whole lot louder then I'll be. Though that's besides the point entirely, there's got to be some sounds that reach that stupid dumb head of his and I had hoped that my angry words had reached that stupid head of his. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest as I leered at the boy at center stage going on about 'aids'. Great topic to talk about, honestly. Who knew aids was something that could be joked about? I'm bitter right now and a little bit hypocritical because if I wasn't so pissed off I probably would of chuckled but I'm pissed so there will be no chuckling.

Though a hand on my shoulder brought me out of my hate glare. "Ollie, you're scaring people." The voice that belonged to the hand had spoken up. TUrning my head over towards the blonde who's name just so happened to be Paige. I turned my head, looking around her surroundings from the side of the Main Stage feeling a little old as alot of the other people surrounding the side linings looked younger but all those people were giving me odd looks at my small rant that I had given not but moments ago.

"I'm sorry but he's just an...asshole." I huffed as I crossed my arms, looking back over towards the four boys jumping around and acting like complete idiots. I say this is just them being goofy, but this is them pretty much all the time. Sad, huh? Looking back over towards Paige. "Why'd we come here anyway?"

"Because I wanted to see the boys play." She stated simply as she placed her arm around my shoulder, leaning against me slightly.

"Paige, you've got all god damn summer to make goo-goo eyes at twelve-pack Zack-"

"Six." She said correcting me almost immediately after the words left my mouth. I could tell she regretted those words the second they left her mouth.

I laughed a bit and shook my head slowly. "You are so creepy, Paige. Going to tell me what he looks like when he sleeps too?"

She gave me glare as she completely ignored my question. "I actually like your brother's music."

I put my finger in my mouth, gesturing to me almost gagging. Incase you didn't know what that meant. See, my brother's music doesn't actually suck all that badly. Sure it sounds like a less good version of Blink 182 but you've got to understand, I've listened to it everyday since I was like thirteen years old. Almost everyday since I was thirteen. I'm freakin' eighteen eight now. That's five years of this music. It's kind of really gotten on my nerves, especially very recently. Here's the thing my entire summer was planed to be completely different then what it is right now. Right now, I should be in Maryland, in my room sleeping with the air conditioner set on 'make snow'. Eventually I'll wake up, watch some tv and surf the web. Make some food and go back to tv watching and internet surfing for the rest of the day. Yeah, not very glamourous but senior year kicked my ass. I needed a summer of doing nothing but my brother had other plans for me it seemed or rather my whole entire family did and just didn't bother telling me. See, Alex never came right out and asked if I wanted to merch for his band for the summer for little to no pay. No, I was kidnapped.

I was blind-folded and placed in the back of a van and next thing I know I'm in some bum-fuck town selling overpriced t-shirts to kids who wanted a small but should of gotten a medium. Now, Now I'm stuck selling merch for my brother's lame ass band in the middle of summer where temperatures reach the 'frying an egg on the sidewalk' and the sun always seemed to shine and never seemed to go away, ever. "Can we go? I'm tired of listening to Alex's wailing to girls of twelve and below." I asked just as Alex started rambling on about STD's. Sexually transmitted diseases are his favorite today.

"Can we just stay for one more song?"

I rolled my eyes and shrugged her arm off my shoulder. "You can stay. I'm going back to the tent. I'm pretty sure Cory is losing us money."

"I'll be there in like ten minutes. Okay?"

"Try not to drool to much, someone might slip and die."

She smacked me on the arm as hard as she could, which was pretty god damn hard by the way. "Olivia, Stop it."

"I'll stop when you admit that you want to jump Zack's-"

"I wouldn't finish that." She pointed her finger at me. Ready to jab me at any moment. I sighed and raised my hands up in defense.

"Fine, Fine. Live in denial." I said, dropping my hands and hooking my thumbs into my hooks of my jeans that I've rolled up as far as I could which was well below the knee. The only reason I'm sure Paige is on this tour is stare at exercising-weight-lifting-surfing-sexy-boy-with-a-six-pack-Zack. Of course she'll deny it to her face turns blue and she keels over and dies and then continue to deny it for the rest of her enteral life. I'm sure that's why she's here. It's not to keep my company. It's to stare at a pretty boy who has a nice body. Though whatever, I'd probably do the same thing if she had a brother in a somewhat well known band who had a hot boy in it. Girls gotta do, what a girl's gotta go. Plus she's only been after Zack since highschool. Its like her mission at this point in life. Poor Paige.

I slowly backed away, turning my back away Paige as I made my way back to Merchandise Avenue - or at least that's what I called it - as I headed over to the 'All Time Low' merch table which was surrounded by a fair few amount concert attendee's and a lanky boy standing behind a table looking completely lost and scared. Teenagers can get scary, especially when it comes to band merch.

Poor Cory.

"Ollie!" Cory called to me as I slide behind the merch table. "Where the fuck where you?" He asked I slide behind the merch table, pulling my hair back into a pony tail.

"Having unprotected sex." I said nonchalantly as I climb over the plastic organizer bins filled with over-priced neon shirts.

"Least it was for a good reason."

"I wouldn't leave you here if it wasn't."
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