
Jan 01, 2007 21:58

Name: Cassandra "Andi" White
House: Slytherin
Age: 17
Birthdate: May 2nd
Year: 7th

Bloodline: Half-Blood (Doesn't tell anyone though).
Heritage: English
Wand: 12" Rosewood, Dragon's Heartstring, Not very flexible.

Personal History: Cassandra, or Andi, as she likes to be called by those close to her, has been around the opposite sex her entire life. Her Muggle mother left her father after finding out he was a wizard. Andi was only two at the time of her departure, and she was left in the hands of a father who was hardly home, and her only a few years older brother. Andi's father worked, and still works at, the Ministry of Magic. He was constantly away on business, leaving Andi to grow close with her brother Jordan and his friends. It is for this reason that throughout her life she's found it so much easier to get along with guys, than girls. Her closest friends are usually boys, although she doesn't hate girls. Andi's first crush was actually on her best guy friend, in her 2nd year at Hogwarts. For a while she was unable to tell friendship and romance apart, but now she knows herself well enough to know what she truly wants from a guy. Also, anyone interested in dating Cassandra must go through her brother first. Being that he pretty much raised her, he has become a bit overprotective of his little sister. Now that she's finishing school, she respects her father for working like he did, in order to give her an easier life, even if it meant he wasn't there to give it to her. It is her mother she despises, and that makes her dislike most muggles. The subject of her bloodline, and her mother's departure are the two things that strike a nerve with Andi. Her friends don't even know about it, and the only person she talks about it with is her brother. It is this touchiness about muggles that lead a lot of people to believe she's going to become a Death Eater for sure. While she does have a hatred for muggles, she can't feel the same towards those born of muggles, because she knows they are not to blame for muggle stupidity. But she pretends she hates them all the same.

Throughout her years at Hogwarts, she has discovered a desire within herself to succeed. It is this which fuels her to do so well in academics, as well as athletics. She has gained a love of Astronomy through class, and secretly hopes to teach it one day. Her brother is out of school now, and has been for a few years, so she's learning what it's like to not have her beloved big brother around to protect her.

Personality: Andi is one of those girls who can be really nice, or dreadfully unpleasant. She has all the traits common in an ideal Slytherin. She's cunning and ambitious, most of all. She has a way with sarcasm, and will not hesitate to make a biting remark towards someone she dislikes. Andi is someone who holds a grudge and rarely ever drops it, even if she's no longer hostile, she remembers. But really, all Andi is looking for is a good time. If you're no fun, you're not her friend. Fun, to Andi, is hanging out, joking around, or maybe listening to the hottest track by the Weird Sisters. Andi is a very physical person, often doing things like "friendly punching" a friend. She is also eccentric, or wild, at times, and loves taking crazy pictures.

While Andi is an outgoing individual, she does have a difficult time opening up to others. She isn't a very trusting person, especially when it comes to her own sex. Those who have earned her trust are better for it. If there's anything Andi is best at when it comes to friendship, its defending her friends the best she can, no matter what the situation. She almost never backs down from a fight. It is this fact, and her strong opinions, along with the ability she has of voicing those opinions, that give her the reputation, at least among those of other houses, of being a snob, or a 'mean girl' type.

Physical Description: Cassandra is a red headed girl with bright blue eyes. She has freckles all over her face as well, although she bears no relation to the ever so famous Weasleys. Andi is on the taller side for girls, at 5 ft 6, and has a small frame. She's thin, but pretty much healthy, at a weight of about 130. She can often be seen with her hair in a funky up-do, like some sort of a braid or anything fun. She likes to look good, which means she puts effort into her make up and outfits. She even manages to make the Hogwarts robes look like somthing special. Also, Andi can almost always be seen with a smart smirk on her face.

Hobbies and talents:
1. Dancing - It makes her feel free, and she's been doing it since she was little.
2. Reading - She loves to get immersed in another world.
3. Quidditch - Since Andi grew up with mainly boys for friends, it's natural that she ended up getting into the sport. She's not the best, but she sure is competitive.

1. Romance - Due to Andi's tendancy to befriend guys, it is sometimes difficult for her to make the transition from friends into a relationship.
2. Impatience - While Andi is an intellegent young woman, she rarely ever has the patience to persue something she isn't immediately good at.
3. Studying - She makes the grades, it's just the process of studying she has a hard time with.
4. Attitude - Sometimes Andi's harsher traits get the better of her.
5. Ego - At times, Andi's better judgement can be blinded by her extreme confidence.
6. Fear of Rejection - Despite her air of confidence, what lies beneath is a severe fear of rejection which Andi holds.

Best subjects:
1. Astronomy - She loves to look at, as well as study the stars, and hopes her future will be in this field.
2. Potions - It may seem like a common thing by now, for a Slytherin student to be good at this class, but Andi actually finds it interesting.
3. History of Magic - She finds the past fascinating.

Worst subjects:
1. Herbology
2. Muggle Studies
3. Divination
4. Transfiguration

List of classes for current year:
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Care of Magical Creatures

Broom: Comet 260


biography, backstory

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