Feb 19, 2009 19:55
I have lost all interest in this job, not that I have any interest from the start, in the first place.
I am not strong in Human Resource nor have any interest in it but took up the job as was trying to see if it will work out anot.
Before going on to this current project that I am doing with my team lead and another team mate; I still enjoy what I am doing but with this project, I lost all the jest and zeal in work.
Not that it helps when my Team Lead himself is nor sure of how to handle the workload; he just undertakes all the work and when he can't cope, we have to pick it up and carry on half way which makes it confusing for all parties.
Also, it had happened three times that the clients I built up is pass on to my team mates whenever there are more orders and the KPI goes to them. One or twice still acceptable but thrice?
Neither his late coming to office impress me, which can be as much as half to an hour. Although he will stay late in the evenings, but it just not right to expect us who are punctual to stay late with him.
Sundays to me are lazy days which he loves to call us back. I am okay to come back on Saturdays to finish up whatever work to be done but his reasons is he has only Saturdays to accompany his ger friend so he prefers to come back on Sundays.
How ah? No qualifications, no good experience and got age already. Should I quit anot?