(no subject)

May 12, 2006 12:08

Its been a while since I've updated. work is going fine. Still stressful, but I have my good days and bad days. Ricky's home. Right now he's going off to get another tattoo....good Lord. I swear its an addiction. He's gonna be working at the Lilac Festival, so if any of you go, play the goldfish game. I would say he's the one with the tattoos...but his brother has some and so does his dad lol. But anyway, Ricky's the one with a faded rose tattoo on his neck and short dark brown hair, brown eyes and bushy eyebrows. Wednesday was a crazy day. First, Ricky and his mom were fighting for an hour about money. Then we go leave with his brother to go set up their game at the festival. Ricky was driving the huge white pickup, and his brother was following us in a semi, and we're driving along going about 45-50, and we approach this intersection where the cars parallel to us have a stop sign. And this stupid fucking lady in a little saturn comes to a stop...and then starts pulling right out! we were about 30-40 feet away and she starts pulling out and ricky had to slam the fuck on his breaks and swerve. He missed her by about a foot. Then he gets out and he's like "WHAT ARE YOU, FUCKING CRAZY!!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING????" And his brother's yelling out the window at her and this guy who was about to cross too starts yelling at her and calling her a stupid bitch and she's just sitting there with her head in her hands. She had a stop sign, we didn't, I don't know what the fuck she was doing, but if Ricky hit her going that speed in his truck she could have been killed cause its a huge truck with a huge bumper on it that's got a towing wire thing, and its about a foot deep, you can sit on it like a bench. And what if Dave hit her, he was far behind for a reason, cause he can't stop quick in that thing. If he hit her she would have been decapitated. I hate car accidents, I hate seeing them, either on tv, movies, or real life. So I was pretty shaken up from that. I'm just glad ricky's a good driver. That was an insane day. I had a huge headache by the end of the day. Oh!!!! Oh! You'll love this! Last night I almost fucking burned their house down. When me and Ricky went upstairs his brother and his friend were in there playing his xbox, he tells them to leave and they go. And his ash tray's sitting there all full and I hate them smell of it, so I go and dump it in the trash can and wash it out. Then I go back in his room and a little while later Dave's like "Rick!!!" He's like "Whaaat?!" "The fucking trash cans's on fire, man what the fuck!!!!??" We open the door and the whole upstairs is clouded in thick smoke and my heart nearly popped out of my chest. Alright, now let me tell you the worst part...the trash can was sitting in the window sill. It was there because it gets hot in there and the window doesn't stay up, so I put the trash can there to hold it open. It burned part of the bottom of the window and the glass is yellowy brown right above it. I am so embarrassed and ashamed of that, I can't believe I did that. I'm really surprised his parents didn't yell at me. I thought his mom was gonna wanna kill me, but all she did was ask what happened, and she said we both should know better than to do that. If it were my mom, she would have screamed at me for an hour and then not talked to me for days. I love Robin.... But yeah, I'm gonna go home and do some laundry and then return.
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