Jun 08, 2008 23:26
Friends, Romans, countrymen, there are benefits to being an adult.
(Questionably an adult, anyway, at least out of the teens and into the twenties)
I'm discovering them slowly one by one (and expect to discover more when I turn 21 in December - like happy hour!), and today I found one more. I went to a public pool with friends and it was a totally chilled-out experience! I was not self-conscious about my bathing suit at all! I was not self-conscious about my friends' bathing suits! We got to stay in the pool at adult swim! It was awesome.
". . .in the triumph and the jungle and the strange high singing over some aeroplane overhead was what she loved; life; London; this moment of June." I'm starting a list on my white board of things that I need to do before I go to England: Money belt, Camera, Copy passport, Guidebook, Shorts. I think I'm adding Mrs. Dalloway to that, and because I am a shamefully lazy and impractical human being, it's heading to the top.