Jul 02, 2005 00:19
So I read an old entry from Linden's LJ which said:
"i was about to write about how i'm really kind of lost at the moment, or have been for a while. but i realize, it's ok to not know, it's ok to be uncertain, i have plenty of time to figure things out. yes i'm going to fuck up. i'm going to fuck up a whole lot. but that's how i learn. you can't tell me anything and expect me to take it in. i have to do it myself.
i'm really ok with not knowing what the hell is up with me. and that's a first. i'm on the road to "i don't give a shit."
there is so much innocence i wish i had. sometimes i let myself act the way i did before i was hurt. sometimes i really wish i was still that girl. i'm really torn between two different mindsets. "
This is me now, exactly. And I am so glad I found that because I needed to read it. It was the hidden advice I was looking for. I cant dwell on my mistakes. I have to learn from them. So booyah-ka-sha (thats old school)
I officially dont care so shut up!