May 20, 2007 22:44
so i finally found a car...
a 94 pontiac grand prix with only 75,000 miles on it
he was asking 2600 after he supposively lowered it from 2900, but the windshield needs to be replaced and i had it in the shop to make sure there wasn't anything severely wrong with it...and it is leaking antifreeze, so i got him down to 2100! hell yeah, i'm fuckin stoked
especially since my dad or the guys can fix it
just gotta find some insurance when i ever get a day off work...i'm replacing one of my older employees for the weekends to so now i work damn near full time
but dear old mum is gonna call around for me, considering i work from 10.30 to 8, i don't have time to call and looking on the internet is gay, not to mention confusing as hell
but this summer is goin just fine so far
workin my ass off and fishing when i get a chance, but it's pretty fuckin nice to just come home from my nine to ten hour shifts, grab a beer and cuddle with derek