Jan 23, 2006 08:48
jesus christ what a weekend....i was so fucked up hahahaha
in regards to weekend, i mean saturday and sunday cause friday was boring as hell. as planned we had a party at debbie's saturday night and we totally winged this one again and i have to say it was one of the best. soo many people showed up, ha it was nuts. i'm still in the process of remembering what the hell i did but i do know that i helped push this chick's car out of the mud, totally split my pants playing twister haha..but they were already holey and i just shreaded a hole on my thigh hardcore, i was so totally fucked up drunk as hell and totally blown...i remember signing debbie's ceiling and apparently i was number two to pass out (alex colten took the lead). i don't remember anything after signing debbie's ceiling....
next morning was a bit rough, so debbie and i made hamburgers and laid around til four then i went home to get ready to come back to school. alex called me and asked if he could up to central with me and so he did haha and brought david, phil and sam in tow...we stayed up all night drinking and playing waterfall, i got maybe four hours of sleep and said fuck it, got up and took a shower..but getting up early was good...i didn't do a smidgen of the plethera of homework i have to do...so i'm doing that now...kinda
may not sound like it...but it was totally awesome and you all missed out!