Title: Coeur qui soupire n’a pas ce qu’il desire
Author: Denyce
Fandom Dark Angel
Pairings: Alec/Logan, implied previous Max/Logan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Alec's put in a difficult situation as a result of Max's jealousy issues.
Written for
jam_pony_fic fic-a-thon
guard_the_cardsPrompts, Alex/Logan dealing with the whole max lying about alec being her boy,
Alec/Logan bottom alec pwp
Alec/Logan dealing with Max and jelousy issues while in the feild. --picked
Disclaimer: Not Mine! I don’t own nor make any monetary value! Borrowing characters strictly for fanfiction to share with other obsessive fans intended for harmless enjoyment.
Spoilers: Post Freak Nation
Notes: Title is a French proverb, the translation: The Heart that Sighs does not have what it Desires. Huge beta thanks goes to
varkelton {{hugs!}}, and it should go without saying any mistakes are mine.
X-posted to
soldierfetish, and my blogs: LJ, IJ, JF
Coeur qui soupire n’a pas ce qu’il desire