Sep 23, 2007 13:49
Name?: God, but you can call me Ashlie.
Age?: 21, or so says my misspelled ID
Sex?: Female since 07/04/1986
Birth Date?: July 4, every year
Hair Color?: Brown this week, who knows?
Eye Color?: Bloodshot
Height?: too short
Weight?: 110...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Body Type?: Human
Piercings?: Oh, buddy.
Tattoos?: No way.
What are you wearing right now?: pajamas
Hair style at the moment?: it varies by day, but usually pulled back to the base of my neck in a ponytail
* Favorites *
Soda?: Well, my favorite pop is Jones' Soda.
Food?: roast, potatoes, dead babies, you name it.
Drink?: Whiskey sour.
Alcoholic Drink?: after three or four drinks, anything I can get my hands on.
Time of day?: right now, on a day off
Season?: Winter, definitely
Day of the week?: the days I have off
Song at the moment?: Juicebox-The Strokes
Band/Artist?: what a dumb fucking question.
Book?: Oh, many many pieces of literature grace my bookshelf with their presence...
Subject in school?: The ones I get A's in
Place in the USA?: I suppose the place I'm at currently...although I have a strange fondness for Florida.
Place outside the USA?: Not that I've seen it or anything, but France.
Color?: Mostly black, but some blue shoved in there
Style of clothes?: Whatever's clean.
Store?: Hot Topic, or Kohl's, they have good sales for us poor folk
Mall?: Great Lakes Crossings. That place has everything.
City?: Everyone loves New York.
Website?: LiveJournal, MySpace, Gmail
Magazine?: None, I don't have time to subscribe. "Great, now what am I going to do with thirty subscriptions to Vibe?"
Kind of pet?: The kind that stay alive with minimal effort on my part
* Worst *
Place to be?: At work dealing with assholes
Class in school?: The one I have to go to
Time of day?: When I wake up
Season?: Spring. Everything's all soggy and nasty.
Kind of pet?: The ones that leave hair all over, or the 29 cent goldfish you get from WalMart that are dead right after the return policy is up
Drink?: Oh, god, milk.
Food?: Hmm. Mexican.
Mall?: The non-existent one here in the Soo.
Store?: Hollister. I won't step foot in that hellhole.
Style of clothes?: really tight pants on really fat girls.
Celebrity?: They're all nuts
Color?: Pink, and white...because as soon as you put on a white article of clothing you just have to drop some ketchup on it, don't you?
Book?: I haven't necessarily encountered a bad one
Type of music?: Country.
Website?: the one that pops up when you forget one letter in the typing
Magazine?: Hustler? Well, I actually like Hustler.
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: When the alarm clock tells me to
What is your first thought?: Fuck
What do you do first?: Hit the snooze, go back to bed
What's your usual outfit?: Whatever's clean, for the most part. Usually a t-shirt and jeans.
What's the first class of the day?: Either biology or sociology.
When does school end?: Late December for this semester.
Do you see your friends?: Nah, I ate them.
What do you do when you get home?: When I fucking feel like it, that's when!
What time do you go to bed?: When I'm tired, dumbass
* Do you...*: ...
Brush your teeth daily?: I try, but sometimes I forget
Brush your hair daily?: Like eight times a day
Shower daily?: Usually
Sing?: Only in the shower or when I'm at home alone
Dance?: When I'm drunk
Party?: Again, when I'm drunk
Get drunk?: See above.
Have sex?: When the occasion calls for it...he likes to say "when all the planets align"
Read books?: No...I'm illiterate. Of course I read books.
Listening to music a lot?: Always with the trusty iPod at my hip.
Read magazines?: Not really
Go online a lot?: Um, I'm here now, aren't I?
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: No, says the girl who does not even have AIM on the computer
Have a religion?: I don't have one nor do I entertain any presently, but I'm not against the idea of it.
Have an IPod?: God yes
Want an IPod?: I want my own...the one I have is my boyfriend's
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: Wow...I must be psychic, I keep answering these questions ahead of time.
Play an instrument?: Yes, I could pick up a violin again if I needed to, but for now it's simply Guitar Hero
Get sick a lot?: Only when doing these things
Watch TV?: It's the first place I go when I get home
Like MTV?: Like, yeah! Totally....kill me.
Like VH1?: It's not bad. They show good movies at times.
Like the History Channel?: No...I get forced to watch it.
Have Digital Cable?: Nope
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: Christ, I barely have fifty.
Listen to the radio?: No
Still use your CD player?: Another resounding NO
Stalk people?: Sometimes if the occasion does call for it
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: No one likes me that much, trust me.
Have dial-up internet?: Nope
Have AOL?: Fuck no
Know HTML?: Nope.
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! THAT'S a good one.
Get H's in honors classes?:No idea what that is.
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?: Fuck yeah nigga
R & B?: It's touch and go
Blues and/or Jazz?: Mmmmm I love jazz.
Classical?: If I'm in the middle of a gunfight, classical is the best music
Pop?: Not a lot
Country?: God no
Emo/Scremo?: What the fuck?
Heavy Metal?: Dethklok!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christian?: Hahahahahaha.
Techno?: "The system is down"
Reggae?: Yah mon. Not really.
Broadway Musical songs?: It depends.
Oldies?: No
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?: Doesn't really matter
Eye color?: I like blue eyes
Tattoos?: No.
Piercings?: I'm not particular to them
Favorite Music?: Who cares?
Style of clothing?: Whatever the fuck he wants to wear as long as he's not naked
Body Type?: Preferably not obese
Personality or Looks?: I go for personality, just look at some of the guys I've dated
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: Sure, why not. Hahahahaha. Nah, not really.
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: Nope, I don't date.
Does size matter?: Of course it does!
Do they have to be popular?: Who gives a shit about popularity? I'd prefer he isn't, that way I don't have to deal with a bunch of jackasses.
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: Who cares as long as they get down to business
Where do you go on the first date?: I like to rent movies and stay in, order pizza. That type of stuff.
Kiss on the first date?: It depends.
Sex on the first date?: Probably not.
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: Well, being naked and all...
Are you eating something?: Not presently
Are you drinking something?: Nope
Are you IMing anyone?: No again
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: No, actually.
Are you talking face to face with someone?: Thank god, no
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: Just me
What song are you listening to?: I'm not...the TV is on
What are you watching on TV?: Hahahahahahaha Psychic Ashlie! Call me now to find out your future!
What other websites do you have open?: IMDB
Why are you taking this survey?: Obviously I have no life
Where are you going to post it?: On my LJ, where the fuck else would I post it
What are you going to do after this?: Hopefully get dressed
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: Hell yeah
The afterlife?: I hope so
Aliens?: Sure, I live next to Canada
God?: Of course.
The devil?: Yeah, can't have peanut butter without the jelly
Heaven?: Where else would God live, other than a skee-ball factory
Hell?: A place with no skee-ball
Scientology?: Hahahaha, yeah right.
Hinduism?: No chance in hell
Buddhism?: No but it is fascinating
Christianity?: It depends. I'm kinda fluid when it comes to religion
Taoism?: Don't think so
Judaism?: Pretty sure I celebrate Christmas
Jesus?: Of course, he's the OG
Nothing?: "No, Donnie, these men are nihilists. There's nothing to be afraid of."
Reincarnation?: I hope not. I don't want to come back as a shoe, but then again I get walked on now and I'm a human
Yourself?: Sure, whatver
A Big Ugly Growling Man Named Sylvain Houde?: Not that I'm aware of.
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?: Yes
Where were you going?: New York, once, and coming back from Florida the second time.
Have you been to another country?: If Canada counts...but it shouldn't
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: Yes
Have you ever partied in another country?: St. Patrick's Day '06
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: Nope
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: Oh, yes.
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: Nope
Talked about someone behind their back?: Everyone does, but it's nothing I won't say to someone's face
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: Numerous times...pussies
Been in a fight online?: Yeah, but not a fistfight or anything
Been in a fight face to face?: Loads of times
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: Usually not
Been called a bitch?: If every five minutes counts
Been called a slut/whore?: By me ma
Been to Australia?: God no
Do you like snakes?: Sure as long as they stay the fuck away from me
Ever cried to get your own way?: Tons of times
Ever broken a bone?: Yes
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: Yes
Ever had serious surgery?: Yes
Ever looked at porn online?: Who hasn't?
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: Boy, have I
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: Of course I have
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: Nope
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: Fuck no
Ever been on stage for any reason?: Yes I have, but not the type with a pole on it
Ever been in a play?: 7th grade
Ever been in a choir?: Four years of it
Ever been in a band?: Orchestra, if that counts
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: Yes...we went over this
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: No one will go near those parts with wax. I can tell you that straight up, honest to God.
Waxed your eyebrows?: Nope
Waxed your legs?: Fuck no
Cut yourself shaving?: Dozens of times
Have you ever died?: Actually, yes, I have
Was this survey any good at all?: If "good" means it drained an hour out of my life, then yes.
What time is it right now?: 2.53pm