So, a couple of things to report:
One: I finally made good on my promise to Elyssa and we have tickets to The Lightning Thief, the musical. It's in May, and in Cheyenne, which is a bummer because I would have loved to go to Detroit, but it's WAY cheaper this way (and my dh might not kill me), like about 1/3. I have PLANS.
Two: Found out from
divinemusings about this place called
lands_of_magic, a writing comm, and I am SO SO SO thrilled. Like, way too thrilled for how much I've been writing. But i figure it'll help my writing, too, so... HEEE!
Anyway, I have taken one step forward toward keeping my promises. Now, I need to talk to my friend in Phoenix, and my friend here, and see what we can manage for the other two things I wanted to do this year....