I've been bad. I mean, I've done some good, but I haven't done as much on this as I should have.
Original post - the list of all the goals I have.
1 Read New Testament by end of 2007 - Not doing so well. I have five days to read all of John. Oops.
2 Keep up with Sunday School lessons - 2007 - doing well.
4 Keep up with Relief Society lessons - 2007 - same here.
7 Visiting teaching by 15th of each month - 2007 - I am a complete failure on this one. I spoke to my new companion today, so hopefully at least we'll get it done for the month, if not before the fifteenth.
10 Prepare Activity Day lessons before day of meeting - I have done better, but I did manage to squeak it in this last Thursday.
11 Read book group books by three days before meeting - I'm not going to do well on this one; I have the whole book to read by the end of today.
12 Call Choir Saturdays before Choir practice - Yes! I did it! I'm so happy.
13 Finish lapghan - I need to get working on this. And it doesn't help that I started another (short) project.
23 Finish one other major project - 2007 - I have a purse I started on. I think that might be the project to do.
27 Maggie into dance class - so far, complete failure, here, too.
33 Review Financials w/ Scott at end of each month - I so fail at this.
34 Clean van monthly - by end of each month - I finally got too tired of it, and since it was nice and warm this week, I did it. It needs to be vaccuumed and washed, but the major stuff is cleared out, and the girls can get in and out on their own (we need to find a better place to put the small strollers).
40 Create Family Home Evening Chart - no progress.
43 Gift to Steve Andersen family for Christmas 2005 - no progress.
44 Gift to Jeff Andersen Family for Christmas 2006 - no progress.
45 Gifts to children for Andersen and Wadsworth sides of family - 2006 - Managed to get Britney her gift - now we just have Brooklyn and the two on the other side of the family.
48 Repaint and repaper baby's room Before baby is born - Scott found some replacement paper for this; the one we wanted is gone. Hopefully, the one he found will be long enough to go all the way around the room (or they get a second one in like it soon).
51 Cull books I won't read - no progress.
54 Keep up with financial records - Utter failure.
55 Know what's for dinner by 4:00 - Not doing too badly.
56 Weekly menu each Sunday night - Doing better. It really helps to have that flexibility!
68 Walk at least 4 times a week (weather and health permitting) - I'm slowing down - I can only walk one lap - but so far, so good.
69 Be more active in preschool (it starts NOW) - Doing pretty well.
73 Keep up baby books for all three kids - I need to start working on this, really; I want to catch up on the girls at least before the boy is born.
74 Get baby book for new baby (before May) - found a great selection at Babys 'R Us. Just need to drag Scott down there to help me pick one.
76 Daily scripture reading - This has actually gone really well. There was one morning I missed - made it up at nap time. This is why I'm not reading the New Testiment, I think.
80 At least two entries a month in letter notebooks - doing better.
81 Catch up on hand-written journal - no progress.
83 Seriously look into a MFA or MA w/ emphasis in Creative Writing program - regressed, in that the book is gone and I didn't ever look at it.
84 Look into retaking GRE if needed for program - no progress.
85 Start on gathering things needed to get into program - no progress.
88 First draft in 30 days - Wolves in Eden - Now that I realize that the story isn't Maggie's, this might go better.
89 Finish nano_year, 2007 - I haven't done well on this at all, and it's not looking good for next month, either. Writing is getting to be a pain.
96 Post Shattered in "Tenipuri" and "kikumaru_lovers" - Got too many complaints about the number of posts, so I stopped doing it. I have continued to post, though, and will be done by Friday next week.
97 Post Shattered on ff.net - Will be done here as well by Friday of next week.