Jan 03, 2013 07:24
So I sat on my bed, reading the beginning of a writing book, and heard... something.
There is SOMETHING crawling around in the wall behind my bed. I have NO idea what it is, although I do have suspicions. Cue freaking out.
And then Elyssa comes running over. "Mom! I found a mouse!" (at which point I was going "shit shit shit, I hoped to avoid that"). So, I went to look, and yep. there it was. Lethargic, weird, I picked up the plate it was on and it barely moved. Old? So I threw it out in the snow. It didn't move.
Cue freak out number two, even if it's not where Elyssa can see it.
*Massive shudder*
In other words, I found the MOST AMAZING picture of one of my characters, I can hardly believe it! *happy dancing*