Something to think on

Dec 07, 2012 14:30

I went through this with my friend from school (we've known each other 30 years now) last Tuesday, just as an exercise about what Nano brought me.

Of the things I did with Nano/Screnzy/Camp Nano, I have quite a few projects I can work on. Most of them involve editing, actually, but that's okay. I have a lot of that to do.

So, possible things to work on - original works, or can be translated to them - in the next few years.

Wolves in Eden - Maggie Jourdemain
Convulsive Logic
A Prophet's Wife (needs a new name)
Betrayer's Fate (So much world building it's not funny)
Unicorns on the Race Track - Maggie Jourdemain
Infinite Space (Will take a LOT of work)
Manufactured Mutants

The last two will take some name changes and other things (like some of Korean culture, which there isn't probably too much of, both are pretty AU), but that's not a bad list. I also plan on writing at least one more story in the Maggie Jourdemain universe, but it's not exactly formed or anything.

I don't know. I just wanted to put that there. Those things I could work on and maybe get ready for publication.

original writing, writing

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