
Apr 24, 2012 21:12


Again, Tae Kwon Do strikes. Testing and graduation are next week, holy crap we'll be low blue belts. ACK!

I wrote a lot today - made it to 27 pages. Made it imperative that they get out of there, too, or they are going to be incinerated. And they will not have the luck of Rack, Shack, and Benny to get out of there (heh. Veggie Tales, anyone?). So. hopefully that will help tomorrow.

um... what else? OH! got a phone call from one of the new members of the bishopric. I'm speaking on Sunday.

Really? Really really?

Well, I guess it's about time. 10-15 minutes, on Moroni 7:45. Charity. *pulls hair out* Oh, this is going to be FUN.

Okay. when I'm not this tired, it will not seem that bad. Really.

ETA: Make that 37 pages. Crap, I am tired....

personal, tae kwon do, script frenzy, church

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