Title: Catalyst
Super Junior 100 challenge # 75/100
Rating: PG
Characters: Kibum, SungMin
Prompt: 022: Diamonds, SungMin / Kibum
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true.
Summary: The accident that put SungMin in the hospital.
Writer's note: I wrote the original story for
miracle______'s crossover challenge in 2008. It didn't do very well. But the idea stuck, and I decided to develop it more.
SungMin left SM on the top level of the garage and walked over to his motorcycle, the only vehicle on this level. He unlocked the helmet and paused a moment to look up. He couldn't see many stars - too much light pollution - but the idea that they sparkled like diamonds? HeeChul was crazier than usual.
Ah, well. He was used to HeeChul's insanity. SungMin pulled his helmet on, mind more on figuring out the chords he'd written for the song they'd started to work on. He'd figured out they didn't work just before the manager kicked them out. The song had potential, but if he couldn't get that right….
The bike roared to life, and he took the spiral ramp slowly, running through chords to see if any sounded better in his head. When he reached the street, he turned his focus to the driving. The pink striping didn't help make his black bike stand out much and traffic at this time was heavy.
He'd left at just the wrong time; he hit every red light for the three miles to the intersection where he would leave most of the traffic behind. The light turned yellow as he approached and he gunned it, determined to get through.
Halfway through the turn his bike jerked, and then the rear tire slid out from under him. His head hit the street, and he blacked out. When he came to again, the bike had just come to a stop against the curb across from where he'd started.
His head rang, his back burned, and he could feel the motorcycle pinning his leg, twisting his knee. Sharp pain stabbed through his shoulder with every breath. Through the cracked wind screen on his helmet, he could see a few stars. Fewer than up on the garage, but still….
Maybe HeeChul was right?
"Hey! Are you okay? I didn't see you… I'm calling an ambulance…."
The strange voice faded as the stars did.
"This is Kibum. It's done."
He stood next to his car where he'd pulled off after the accident, watching the traffic flow through the intersection unimpeded. The last lights of the emergency vehicles turned a corner toward the hospital and vanished.
"No, I'm pretty convincing. They ruled it an accident. He's out of the way; the rest is up to you."
He hung up, glanced around one more time at the scene, then got in his car and pulled into traffic, disappearing into the line of tail lights.
Prompt list