Title: No More Smoke
Super Junior 100 challenge # 87/100
Rating: G
Characters: HeeChul, LeeTeuk, ShinDong
Universe: Mutant!Verse
Prompt: 090: Clean, HeeChul / ShinDong
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true.
Summary: What happened with the puppies after HeeChul got them home.
Writer's note: My friend
dizzy_grace came up with this universe, giving each of the boys from Super Junior and TVXQ mutant powers. She said I could play in it, so I am. And we've added girls.
Writer's note two: Follows
Rescued "I just want to get the smell of the smoke off them," HeeChul muttered as he set the box down next to the sink. "Let them forget."
"They won't remember," ShinDong said, closing the door behind him.
"Then I want to forget," HeeChul said. "And they don't need to smell like smoke, either."
"No," ShinDong said. "How can I help?"
"Towels?" HeeChul asked, and ShinDong went to get them. When he returned, HeeChul had started on the first puppy.
"If we had someone who could do something about heat, I'd have gotten it heated," he said as HeeCHul handed him the puppy.
"Just rub carefully, he'll get warm soon enough," Heechul said, and picked up the next one.
Just as he finished with that one, the door opened and LeeTeuk stepped in. "Perfect," ShinDong said, and handed him the one he'd been warming up.
LeeTeuk took the puppy, and wrapped it more securely, cradling it. ShinDong focused on the next puppy, and HeeChul kept the last one, rubbing it gently. "Now we can take them to Gyuri," he said. "She'll be able to tell us if they'll be okay."
LeeTeuk and ShinDong nodded, and followed him.
Prompt list