Dec 26, 2008 13:56
I need to learn, that when i sit here and stare at the screen, it's time to get off.
I read a book today - I read one yesterday, too - and had forgotten how good both of them were.
The first (finished yesterday) is called "Rose Daughter" by Robin McKinley, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. It's her second; I don't think I have the first (an oversight I intend to correct). I love her writing; I'd just forgotten how much.
The second is called "Dearskin", also by Robin McKinley, and based off a fairytale called Donkeyskin (which I would like to read, just once, to see how true her story is). I really liked it, but there were unclear parts, which is to be expected, a little, because the main character was a little out of it, but still rather irritating. I don't know if she killed her father (and he deserved it, believe me).
Next, I think I'm going to read "Jane Eyre", because I haven't yet, because my mother loves it, and because I want to read "The Eyre Affair", and would miss out on a lot if I haven't read the actual book. I say think because I've irritated my poor dh enough by being buried in books instead of what I should have been doing (cleaning the house).