My mind was so not on this today. It was frustrating.
Henry B. Eyring
Increased conflict, divisions could affect us
Great day of unity coming
A plea for unity
Moving toward becoming one
When testimony about the Savior is born, the Holy Spirit is there
Become a peacemaker - find something on which we agree
The Atonement brings about the same changes in all of us
Robert D. Hales
Respond to mocking, criticizing, etc. with a Christ-like attitude
Spirit of contention is not of him (should remember this)
Meek (Websters): manifesting patience, and long suffering; enduring injury without a grudge - meek is not weak
Keith b. McMullin
We are in His image - but we contend with weaknesses
We need Heavenly Father's help
Church welfare plan is God inspired - Heaven's help in practical ways
Through prayer - ask, seek, knock - he answers to all sincere prayers
(from here, I was in with the kids, and so missed most of what they said.)
Elaine S. Dalton
The Book of Mormon
**The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare - speaking of a marathon runner who won the New York Marathon (I think? she said it)
Personal training program
M. Russel Ballard
Joseph Smith knew the church would have to go west
1875 - 7 missionaries called to Mexico; 2004 - 1 million members
Brigham Young established 350 colonies
Brazil alone has one million memebers
Over 100,000 missionaries sent out (from South America, I think)
President Thomas S. Monson
Nothing is as constant as change
"The Music Man" - Harold Hill said: Pile up enough tomorrows, you'll collect a lot of empty yesterdays.
Give your child a hug, give your parents a hug, say I love you more often!
10 lepers - the one who returned
(I really wish I could have concentrated more on this)