In reference to
this post, I am on early today.
Powerful motivation, though; today was the closest I have ever come to beating my children into submission. I wanted to go for a walk, but they wouldn't get dressed, wouldn't do anything, and I finally snapped. I put them in time out, put my ipod on loud with the Primary songs (because I don't like feeling like that, and those can usually calm me down), and cleaned. Kitchen, family room, living room, finished folding a basket of clothes, tidied bathrooms and bedrooms....
I'm still not stable enough to really interact with them. The minute they start arguing, back on their couches in time out they go, and it'll stay that way until something changes. I'm not sure what it'll be - either I'll calm down enough to actually not scream at them (I did a fair share of that, too, and unfortunately, Scott was downstairs on the phone with someone. Oops), or they'll start paying attention. I actually had to start threatening to leave them, if they didn't get moving, and then Elyssa threw a fit and I gave up. Let them play here, even if it means I don't get my exercise. At this point, I want peace. I hate - hate - feeling like this, like this is the only way I can get them to do anything.
I just wish I didn't feel like I'd failed a test this morning.