101 in 1001 update

Dec 18, 2007 14:39

So, here it is. Late, of course.... but here.

Original Post

4 Read Sunday School lessons before or on Sunday due - FINISHED!

5 Read Relief Society lessons before or on Sunday due - one more week

6 Read "Our Search for Happiness" - started

7 Read "True to the Faith" - FINISHED!

8 Visiting teaching done each month for 12 months - no luck.

11 Study through "Preach My Gospel" - two times - started the first time - the study journal will be online. I'm just not sure how to tag it.

13 Finish lapghan - yeah - maybe on the trip?

19 Find, wash and frame Elyssa's Birth Record - need to wash it.

25 Keep up Elyssa's Baby book - update at least biweekly until caught up - hah.

30 Passports for family by end of 2007 - I've got to get working on it. IT's not going to happen by end of 2007....

37 Gifts to families by mid-December 2007 - I only have a couple to actually send out. And I still failed.

44 Weekly menu each Sunday night - still going strong.

45 Christmas decorations up - weekend after Thanksgiving (or first of December, if out of town) - 2007 - FINISHED!

48 Dejunk master bedroom - we actually started this; we need to keep going on it.

60 Box to donate every time ARC or Epilepsy foundation calls 12 times - done again this month, so that's 3/12 done.

62 Keep up Maggie's Baby book - update at least biweekly until caught up - hah

69 Exercise at least 4 times a week (travel and health permitting) - started again this week. Got to keep it up

70 Be more active in preschool (it starts NOW) - do something monthly - I'm not sure there's anything I can do this month.

72 Reach 150 lbs by end of 1001 days - eating plan in pilate's book - yeah - not going so well.

75 At least two entries a month in letter notebooks - not going well here, either.

76 Catch up on hand-written journal - did some writing, but still have a LONG way to go.

87 Finish Birth Record Cross stitch for Taran - no change

89 Box clothes Elyssa's outgrown - sort out stuff for Taran - need to do this, if only to clear it out of her closet!

90 Keep up Taran's Baby book - update at least biweekly until caught up - hah.

93 Finish fanfic100 for AC - only nine to go. You'd think I could do it!

95 Finish Fanfic100 for Fudomine - 66/100 done, and I'm sort of stuck.

101 500 words a day (except Sundays) baring emergencies - this is going relatively well. I at least average that, so far.


13 / 101


3 / 101

101 in 1001

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