Jan 30, 2021 10:56
I have so much I want to do, and what have I been doing all morning? Watching "if your friends don't like Kpop, send them this video!" and "compare debut to now for groups who came back in 2020" videos. And, frankly, that last one was really interesting, because it had actual groups I knew. And liked. And followed. The last of the three (I think) Videos about why we like kpop actually had Speed's "What U" and I almost cried. No one has Speed in anything anymore.
Anyway, so I have things to do. Here's the list I made yesterday (last night), not necessarily in order, what what I was typing in makes it easier to do numbers than bullets or anything else.
1. Finish paying bills, get them out to the mailbox
2. Check on the Bills thing in Notion to make sure it's all up-to-date.
3. Empty my inbox
4. Prep for Next week, and try something else. That didn't work, but man, I wish it had. I think it could have gone really well. I like having the schedule on my wall, too. I will try to put everything in a different color, too, and that might help.
5. Do my Weekly review. I really want to do it on Monday, but it doesn't happen.
6. Consider changing my metric for the um... how I measure the um... classes I'm taking.
7. Do some serious looking at some of the things I have on my to-do list, and see what I might be able to check off and get done tomorrow. Set up maybe something so I can get some done next week.
8. Start The Orphan Keeper, because the meeting is actually on Thursday.
So, that's the plan for today, plus I want to do some serious work on the conservatory. I'm tired of moving around things, and so I'm sure everyone else is, too, because it's all my stuff. *sigh*
Things I want to flail about: Notion. and there was something else, too, but I'm not sure what it was....
So, there you are. Maybe I'll get to those some time.
to-do list,
i'm an idiot