Seekrit Preview Of Evul Planz (read: spork)

Jan 22, 2011 22:42

With those words, [Roxas] takes his keyblade and points it toward his own chest,

Roxas: Oh, hey, now we're ripping off Kingdom Hearts one.
Axel: ...I'm imagining you as Jeffiroth right now attempting to commit suicide with that fourteen-foot sword of his. You couldn't possibly point that Keyblade straight at your chest.

right where his heart would be if he had one,

Axel: *Strained.* Say it and die screaming.
Xion, Roxas: ...*sporfle.*

and slashed it open. As his blood starts to flow, he slashes his wrists and thinks, one last time,

Xion: Cheer up, emo kid. When life gives you lemons, you spork them and then track down and strangle the badficcer.
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