Day 20

Oct 20, 2014 21:53

Nearly 3 weeks! Wow.

Wow, just wow.

So much has changed. Really. For one, as A bluntly put it: when I first started, I looked like I was eating a gross pile of grease, but now, he wants to eat ALL my food.

Indeed, when I first started, trying to figure out my macros was tough. I recorded (still record) my food obsessively just to ensure I was reaching about the right amounts. Protein, for instance, is VERY easy to overshoot. Very. Most days, I overshoot by at least 10g, and this is without trying very hard. I work out, so I guess it isn't that bad, but protein is converted to glucose, which is a big no-no on keto.

Fats have been getting easier, in part due to bulletproof tea. Instead of butter (I really.. just don't fancy the thought!), I use coconut oil and coconut milk. I used to use double cream, but found coconut milk to be so much better! I think I need to upgrade to coconut cream though, for more flavour + fats. Bulletproof tea has been powering me so well - just yesterday, I had it in the morning before heading off to school for an early morning meeting + had church service with communion. Even when lunch time rolled around (1pm), I wasn't hungry and ate really more out of the motion? I think I need to get comfortable with not eating when I'm not hungry! It just feels quite odd to not feel hungry every 4-5h anymore. The next step I'll try is probably Intermittant Fasting - over the weekend (or Friday actually)

Food wise:
Zoodles. Enough said.

Cauliflower is a MAGIC vegetable. Seriously. I've made pizza, garlic bread, rice out of it and dang. The pizza is so good that A wants to eat it everyday for the rest of his life!

Meat. Yes, I've gone back to eating meat, and in part because frankly, keto is darn difficult when you're lactose sensitive AND non-meat eating. Fish just doesn't have enough fat, or at least, the cheaper fish doesn't!

I've settled into a comfortable routine of cooking a big batch to last me Tue/Wed/Thu, the days I'm in school. Mornings are easy as I just have my mug of bulletproof tea (chai, or chocolate chai if I'm feeling indulgent. Green tea works too! Double-concentrate ito-en really packs a punch.), heat up my lunch around 3pm at school, and when I come back, I have a lightish snack, usually on the train (nuts or kale chips!) So my main meal is around 3pm really.

Water. Water water water. I think I'm drinking much, much more water now than I did before. Not a bad thing!

So that's one goal achieved: LESS CRAVINGS and more sustained energy. Even A is amazed by how long I can go without eating and NOT feel weak/grumpy (or HANGRY as the term is)

'Vanity' project:
I think 50kg is my 'ideal' weight? My body has settled quite happily into that but I've also become leaner (or so A observed).

Next steps:
- IF
- Cutting down my protein to 40g, just to see how my body reacts
- Stocking up on more coconut cream (this stuff is gold)

On a side note: no, I haven't actually had constipation! Crazy I know, because I always thought I needed LOADS of fibre, but guess not! 
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