Sep 02, 2013 23:40
Are all over the place right now, because SNK, Breaking Bad, LOTR.
On LOTR, I can almost quote the entire freaking movie (the trilogy, mind) and I still tear up Every Single Freaking Time. This trilogy is unsurpassable.
Oh yes, recently I've started wondering about why I have this downright unhealthy fascination obsession with apocalyptic situations. It's not a recent obsession - my not so secret indulgence of zombie movies started long ago. I've always thought it was just the combination of guns/swords and hot women, but no (not entirely).
Meh, too late to think about this. On the other side, less than 3 weeks before I go back, I decide to start on a puzzle (Van Gogh's starry night), read up on g-force and newton's law of motion (BECAUSE IF THE 3DMG IS IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE I'M GOING TO FIND A WAY), start reading LOTR (Finishing up Simarillon, really)...
Not to mention catching up on the SNK manga. And getting the Survey Corps jacket. And deciding wtf to do with my future.