Oct 10, 2010 15:46
My teeth hurt. This is probably my own doing cause I don't always brush right before bed, even though I tend to drink sugary tea. (WHAT. You wouldn't trust my tap water unless it was heated either. And bottled water is stupid.) I also do not floss...ever. I mean, I do, when I eat stuff like popcorn, or really fibrous vegetables, you know, crap that gets in your teeth. I hope this goes away, cause I ain't got no health insurance. I WANNA LIVE IN CANADA.
The webcomic I work on launches, hopefully, on the 23rd. I'm never going to make this deadline. It's not like I dislike the story, but it's just like pulling teeth (ah ha, tooth pain pun) to read through the script since it was written to be sent to a publisher, so any artist could pick it up. It's also boring. 8I That's horrible to say of my own webcomic, but it's true. I always thought you were meant to start at a point of action if your first chapter wasn't particularly interesting. it gets interesting, but that's at the end or something. IDFK. Anyway. It's steampunk. Imma drop a link when it launches.
In ME news: I still have requests to work on before the next SLF. I have 18 left to do now since the posting of 2 last week. I want to design more tattoos. But I can't get a feel for what I want. My teeth hurt.