Shag, Marry, (throw off a) Cliff

Apr 08, 2011 20:09

The rules, if anyone else is bored:
1) Comment to this and (if you want) I will give you 3 (fictional) people.
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures/text descriptions and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push down a) cliff.

I saw this on inamac 's journal and couldn't resist.  She gave me

Philip Marlowe, Captain Blue and Ed Straker...

Philip Marlowe

So which Marlowe shall it be?

The first one maybe? Hmm, cool manners but slightly, errrr, small...

Or maybe the later classic Marlowe, the one I actually associate with that role? Craggy and intriguing and not a little self-irony. Like that in a man.

And lastly the best of the radio Marlowes, cute, and damn - these eyes....

Well, given my other choices, I have to vote Marlowe for shagging, preferably the craggy version - self-irony is such a nice thing, especially in a one night stand!

There's just one Ed Straker, still, thankfully!

Marriage, not at home much of the time, likes just about everything as long as his little secrets aren't challenged, is absolutely faithful, earns loads of money, yep - marriageable. But actually I'd just love to shag that repressiveness out of the guy, which takes longer than a ONS.

Which means that poor Captain Blue gets cliffed:

However, if I got my way the way I like it, then screw marriage, I'd take Marlowe and Straker as bed-bunnies and subs, and Captain Blue would make such a nice servant... tsk! ;-)

philip marlowe, ed straker, captain blue

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