
Feb 23, 2011 10:52

It seems there are people who haven't really grasped the amount of surveillance and data harvesting taking place in current Great Britain. That patients of varying levels of care these days get taped rsp. at least watched by at times hidden surveillance cameras seems to meet with disbelief.

This here is an excerpt from a UK hospital leaflet:

All staff wear an identity badge with their name and photograph on it. Do not allow anyone without one to do anything to you or to your property. If you see anyone behaving in a suspicious manner please tell any member of staff. A wide range of security measures are in force at the hospital for your safety and protection including 24-hour video surveillance cameras.

And here is an article on the rise of usage of surveillance devices:

Indeed, among school and hospital staff hidden surveillance devices have become a topic of debate, apparently unnoticed by the general public. Patients quite often opt in to surveillance being used in their rooms by signing basic admittance papers. Specific treatment areas, like special care, intensive care or psychiatric wards and rooms have surveillance installed and patients practically pre-agree to loss of privacy from the get-go.

Another interesting article to read is this one:

It's downright frightening. In the light of this I find it amusing how people appear to want to prove that this data harvesting and around the clock surveillance is not the case. It's not as if they weren't or aren't warned.

surveillance, privacy, hospitals

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