
Nov 20, 2011 08:17

I'm beginning to get quite a bit miffed with too many people defining characters "underage" who aren't, either in the 'verse or in the country they live in.

This here is an excellent example:

-Father Imperius
-Phillipe Gaston

The one thing I would request here is the same thing from the first request: please, no underage slash. I actually see them more as Odd Couple style buddies. If you want to have them interact with Isabeau and Navarre, I'd completely be down for that, but it's certainly not necessary. They leave the church together at the end of the movie, so where do they go? Do they meet again? Maybe they have another adventure or two, or they need to tie up some loose ends with the curse, or maybe Imperius decides Phillipe needs a decent home and a trade and tries to make that happen.Just plain have fun with them... or angst them, whatever fits!

Philipe lives in France, and France has an age of consent of 15 years. This is a hard limit without any ulterior considerations, by which I mean, from the 15th birthday on a French citizen may sleep with whomever s/he likes, be they the same age or 60 years older!

I do not recall Philipe's age being mentioned, Broderick was a staid 23 when he did the role, and all we know of Gaston is that he was "young". However, even if Philipe's age is mentioned in the English version (I saw the French one), as long as he is older than roughly 12-13 years, he still (!) would be considered a perfectly normal adult in every respect including the sexual one in medieval Europe.

People regularly died with 25-30 years at the time, 25 was then pretty much middle age! If they waited to marry and found a family until past 18, especially after the incursions of the Black Death, mankind in Europe most likely would have died out. Women were at their most fertile during their early and middle teens then (13-16), and a marriage between 13 or 14 y/o was absolutely not considered an underage coupling. Young men founded families and business at 14 y/o and ruled whole countries.

This one is not the only such instance either, I came across a load of them.

I find censoring/ret-conning the historical past to (only some people's) moral considerations of today, or doing that to countries other than your own very negative and quite a bit "imperialistic" as well. Not in any good sense. And if someone really can't deal with how life used to be lived and seen in the middle ages, there's always the much better solution of abstaining instead of meddling.

rant, age of consent

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