Sep 15, 2002 21:24
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" "I think so Brain, but me and Queen Elizabeth? What would the children look like?"
Sorry, I saw that a little while ago and I thought it was funny. yeah, people do seem to be getting slack in their LJ, me included, but that's only because my dad changed the password on the internet....what a weiner. So now I can never get on. Go figure. Anyway, I was listening to "In my life " and I thought of Laura on the stage singing, so I thought I'd write in here and say hi to everyone. No real progression on the trip thing...I'm procrastinating again. Anyway, things are fitting into place now. I've got a meeting with my bishop this tuesday, then another meeting with the stake president on sunday, and then my papers go in! YESSSSSSS..... I have no idea if Laura is evn on LJ, but f she is, I need to get your number and your address so I can visit you! I'm in Halifax all the time now, and I know where Morris street is, but after that, I'm lost. Anyway, if someone wants to tell me, that would be nice. Things are settling down here. I tried to get a job at Watts, and failed miserably....they didn't even call me for an, I'm doomed to work at my dad's office forever I guess. Anyway, this being Chester Grant, nothing has happened for the past decade, so I guess I shall depart. I'll try to be more regular on here! Cheers everyone