Yutaka Mikoto from "Princess Princess" (
App Percentage:
85.2%Played From: February 2007 until February 2009
That's How Long? Two years
Total Comments: 4912
Overall Pecentage: 30.03%
Reason For Dropping: I just burned out on him and didn't want to play him anymore. I held onto him for a lot longer than I should've because I adore my castmates so much, and I loved playing from Puripuri and the idea of it and his icons and everything except the actually threading with him bit.
Select Option 3? Lesbian Appreciation day will always live on in my heart.
Kei from "Moon Child" (
App Percentage:
75%Played From: April 2007 to October 2008
That's How Long? 18 months
Total Comments: 2540
Overall Pecentage: 15.53%
Reason For Dropping: I'd never been hugely comfortable with Kei's voice, and I needed to lighten my load. He'd had a good long run (for me anyway) and I'd done pretty much everything I wanted to do with him, and Sho thought it was about time to drop as well. That said, he's the only one of my drops who I do really miss sometimes.
Select Option 3? We brought Gackt and Hyde to zombie summer camp for a while, and really how many people can say that? Also, one of the reasons I didn't want to drop him for a long time was so I could keep my AFKei nick.
Kousaka Makoto from "Genshiken" (
App Percentage:
95.6%Played From: June 2007 to present
That's How Long? 21 months
Total Comments: 4178
Overall Pecentage: 25.55%
Reason For Apping: Long before I knew of CFUD I watched the Genshiken anime and absolutely adored Kousaka. So while he was one of my favourite characters for some reason it never occurred to me that I could app him at CFUD. At least until I downloaded the manga from Ogiue's journal and discovered that his first name is Makoto, and suddenly that made the connection in my mind of "hey I could have Mikoto and Makoto HOLY SHIT I CAN APP HIM".
Select Option 3? His app was still the easiest app I've ever written. I had ideas as soon as I realised I could app him (it wasn't really a decision XD) and I just sat down and it wrote itself and I love it and apparently the voting did too.
Minagi Mikoto from "Mai HiME" (
App Percentage:
76.1%Played From: January 2008 to February 2008
That's How Long? Two months
Total Comments: 222
Overall Pecentage: 1.36%
Reason For Dropping: I adore Mikoto, I really do. She's one of my all-time favourite characters and I worked so hard to get her in. But I just couldn't get inside her head enough to play her. It was also really hard without a Mai or at least a Yukino or something, but mostly I just felt like I was repeating myself all the time because I couldn't bring myself to step outside of very narrow canon moments. So I couldn't keep her :(
Select Option 3? Mai HiME is my forever canon, even if I don't have any characters from it right now
Isabella from "Paradise Kiss" (
App Percentage:
100%Played From: April 2008
That's How Long? A year!
Total Comments: 1626
Overall Pecentage: 9.94%
Reason For Apping: I watched the Parakiss anime when it was coming out, and Johji was my favourite character. When Johji was apped I PMed her to say I might consider apping Miwako. Aaaages later, I finally got around to reading the Parakiss manga. And discovered that the anime completely overlooks Isabella and how amazing she is except for one bit. So I fell in love with her instead and ended up apping her.
Select Option 3? This was my least stressful app ever. I was in Japan at the time and I had someone send it in while I went to Tokyo to see a rock concert. And when I came back I was in!
Sui from "Double Arts" (
App Percentage:
89.8%Played From: August 2008
That's How Long? Nine months
Total Comments: 1832
Overall Pecentage: 11.21%
Reason For Apping: Elraine and Kiri got in and were whoring for someone called Sui, so I thought I'd read it and see what I thought and it'd be cool to have an all Australian cast! And then I kind of totally fell in love with her and spent the rest of the time until apps on PM to Elraine going "HAS SOMEONE ELSE CONTACTED YOU ABOUT IT? HAVE THEY? WILL IT BE A DOUBLE???" because I'm paranoid like that. She's like an older, horrible-person version of Minagi Mikoto, how could I not love her. The hairporn panels just sealed the deal.
Select Option 3? I don't even know I love everything I do with her. For some reason I'm still convinced half the time that I apped someone in between Isabella and Sui even though I didn't.
Fujino Shizuru from "Mai HiME" (
App Percentage:
98%Played From: October 2008 until February 2009
That's How Long? Four months
Total Comments: 285
Overall Pecentage: 1.74%
Reason For Apping/Dropping: I adore HiME and could've fairly happily apped nearly anyone from it. So when Megumi watched it and loved Natsuki I went "Shizuru it is!" and apped with her. The problem with Shizuru is that she spends most of canon lurking in the background, screwing with her subordinates. She really needs canonmates or to form similar relationships really fast and I just didn't have the energy to do something like that. I had her on 15 icons from the start and I knew she'd be a backburner, but it was also bad timing in terms of playing energy for Natsuki so we decided to just let them go.
Select Option 3? EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH MAI HIME it is all at getfansub. Just don't read the manga unless you want a horrible harem trainwreck.
Dexter Morgan from "Dexter" (
App Percentage:
91.5%Played From: November 2008
That's How Long? Five months
Total Comments: 628
Overall Pecentage: 3.84%
Reason For Apping: Hahahahahahaha sob. OKAY SO. Back in April 2007 I went to a convention and saw the first couple of episodes of Dexter. And I loved it and decided I had to watch it all, so I downloaded and watched it. And in one of the episodes he refers to himself as "the little wooden boy" and I thought to myself that that would make a cool CFUD username but ahaha he'd be so hard to play there was no way in hell I'd ever app him. But the idea was in my mind.
So I whored for a Dexter and Deb for like a year or so because there was no way I was ever going to do it! And then eventually Deb apped in the mid-year counselor round and was (and is) INCREDIBLE and I PMed her and went AHHH DO YOU HAVE A DEXTER and that I'd consider apping him next round since she didn't. Cue six entire months of me wibbling and wobbling and topping myself into and out of it constantly, like. Every day I changed my mind on whether to app him and flailed at her and Megumi and Kouno and I'm told it was kind of hilarious to watch. Literally right up until a few weeks before counselors I still hadn't made up my mind, but eventually I was convinced into it.
Select Option 3? Dexter is that one canon that I know like the back of my hand. I've seen parts of it four or five times now and I never stop loving it or him any less. Oh yeah also killing Kristoph was fun ♥
Nago Keisuke from "Kamen Rider Kiva" (
App Percentage:
92.2%Played From: March 2009
That's How Long? Not even a month yet
Total Comments: 131
Overall Pecentage: 0.8%
Reason For Apping: The Kamen Rider shows were starting to grow casts, and I thought the one with stained glass vampires and violins looked like the most pingy for me, so I watched it. And then Kouno told me to app Nago and I went maybe. And then I saw the episode where he says he's 22 and decided I wouldn't app him after all because there was another counselor I wanted and other characters and I should app them instead. And then I somehow ended up apping him anyway because he's just that awesome and also his actor is smoking hot. And apparently I like my guys crazy.
Select Option 3? Apparently I managed to accidentally ninja some of the cast oops.
Yutaka Makoto from "The Day of Revolution/Princess Princess" (
App Percentage:
96.6%Played From: Today!
That's How Long? Like twelve hours!
Total Comments: No IC ones yet
Overall Pecentage: None |D
Reason For Apping: A little while after I dropped Mikoto, Kouno told me to app one of the new Princesses from Puripuri+. I considered this for a few minutes and then went "... wait a second I can app from PuriPuri again" and I remembered that I've always thought if I wasn't playing Mikoto I'd be playing Makoto instead because I adore her. And then I spent the next few months biting my tongue around them and FLAILING at Frau mostly but also a couple of other people because I cannot shut up about apping usually but I was so intent on ninjaing.
Select Option 3?
[15:34] [Gakuto] sakjfffffkdgkh fh
[15:34] [Gakuto] A MAKOTO!!!!!!!
[15:34] [Gakuto] LAKD
[15:35] * Gakuto runs around like a headless chicken.
I've played here HOW long? 781 days
Overall Comment Count: 16 381
Average Comments Per Day: 21 comments/day
Shortest Kept: (not counting new characters) Minagi Mikoto (two months)
Longest Kept: Yutaka Mikoto (two years)
Most Played: Yutaka Mikoto (4912)
Least Played: Again not counting new characters Minagi Mikoto (222)
Highest App Percentage: Isabella (100%), Shizuru (98%)
Lowest App Percentage: Kei (75%)