Six Moans

Jan 24, 2008 21:35

I went to work today and filed a pile of paperwork so big that it would make an ambulance-chaser nervous. It was actually kind of relaxing, seeing as it got me out of that damn apartment. I'm a dog person and Hei's eating habits piss me off.

This city is too sweetly friendly today with all the tea parties and balls. While I go try to find myself some glass fucking slippers and a better personality, feel free to comment to hear my very strong opinion on the decline of morals and filial piety among the younger generation today and how I am so goddamn tired of Chinese food.

yes he plans on posting every day, do not want, fucking hei, whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch, blah blah blah, moan moan moan, imma cop

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