OOC - HMD/Contact

Oct 05, 2020 09:47

[Name] Chi
[LJ] chibidl
[Character] Cephiro - formerly Guru Clef, the Master Mage of Cephiro
[Timezone] Pacific Standard Time, GMT -8
[AIM] conglichang
[Y!IM] chisainatenshi
[Email] chibi.tenshi@gmail.com
[Twitter] @chi_tenshi
[PMs] enabled
[Threadjacking/switch to action:] Not only allowed, but encouraged!
[Backtagging:] Go for it, baby.

Please use this space for comments/criticism about my characterization - or even personal crit, anything to do with RP! ♥ Anon is on, IP logging is off, and all comments are screened.


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